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Dr. Chao Ma

Professor, PhD Advisor

5-504 Software Building, AI Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai, P. R. China

Email: chaoma(at), chaoma99(at)

Phone: +86-21-34208478

Google Scholar | Github

Looking for self-motivated graduate students and post-docs working with me. For prospective students, please send your resume and transcript to my email.


I am a full professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I advise both PhD and MS students in computer science. Prior to joining Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2019, I was a postdoc researcher with Australian Centre for Robotic Vision at the University of Adelaide. I completed my PhD study at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2016. During the fall of 2013 to the fall of 2015, I was a joint-training PhD student at University of California, Merced. I received bachelor and master degrees from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2008 and 2011 respectively.

I am interested in computer vision problems. Typically, I work on

  • object detection and tracking

  • vision problems for autonomous driving

  • multi-modal understanding (vision and language)

  • image restoration and enhancement

  • image/video generation a.k.a. artificial intelligence generated content

Highlights and News

  • 09/2024, I will serve as an Associcate Editor for IEEE Trans. on Multimedia (TMM)

  • 09/2024, I will serve as an Area Chair for ICLR 2025 and CVPR 2025

  • 08/2024, I will serve as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)

  • 08/2024, two papers are accepted to IJCV

  • 08/2024, four papers are accepted to TPAMI, TIP, ACM MM 2024, Siggraph Asia 2024

  • 07/2024, three papers are accepted to ECCV 2024

  • 02/2024, six papers are accepted to CVPR 2024

  • 01/2024, we won the best paper award in the 30th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2024) [link]

  • 01/2024, two papers are accepted to ICRA 2024

  • 01/2024, one paper is accepted to ICLR 2024

  • 09/2023, I am honered to be sponsored by NSFC for excellent youth scholars (NSFC优秀青年科学基金)

  • 07/2023, our cross-modal segementation work is accepted to ICCV 2023

  • 06/2023, I will serve as an Area Chair for CVPR 2024

  • 03/2023, I again ranked among Elsevier Chinese highly cited scholars (中国高被引学者)

  • 03/2023, six papers are accepted to CVPR 2023

  • 07/2022, two papers are accepted to ECCV 2022

  • 05/2022, one paper is accepted to IEEE TPAMI

  • 04/2022, I again ranked among Elsevier Chinese highly cited scholars (中国高被引学者)

  • 03/2022, three papers are accepted to CVPR 2022

  • 01/2022, we release the source code of PointAugmenting (CVPR 2021) [code]

  • 09/2021, one paper on 3D point cloud detection is accepted by NeurIPS 2021

  • 07/2021, I will serve as a Senior Program Committee (SPC) member for AAAI 2022

  • 07/2021, one paper is accepted to ICCV 2021

  • 05/2021, our paper about AlphaTrack is accepted to IROS 2021

  • 05/2021, one paper is accepted to ICML 2021

  • 04/2021, I ranked among Elsevier Chinese highly cited scholars (中国高被引学者)

  • 03/2021, three papers are accepted to CVPR 2021

  • 01/2021, one tracking paper is accepted to TIP

  • 11/2020, we rank first on the nuScenes detection learderboard

  • 11/2020, we rank first on the nuScenes tracking learderboard

  • 11/2020, the journal version of DLST (ECCV 2018) is accepted to TPAMI

  • 11/2020, one tracking paper is accepted to TIP

  • 09/2020, I join the StarTrack program of Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) (微软亚研院铸星计划)

  • 08/2020, our paper “Cross-Modality 3D Object Detection” is accepted to WACV 2021

  • 07/2020, one tracking paper is accepted to ACM MM 2020

  • 07/2020, three papers are accepted to ECCV 2020

  • 06/2020, our 3D face reconstruction paper won CVPR workshop best paper

  • 03/2020, the journal version of our UDT tracker is accepted to IJCV

  • 01/2020, one MOT paper with end-to-end CRF learning is accepted to TCSVT

  • 10/2019, one tracking paper with knowledge distilling is accepted to TIP

  • 09/2019, I am honered to be sponsored by Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program (上海市浦江人才计划)

  • 07/2019, I am honered to be sponsored by NSFC

  • 05/2019, I was recognized as outstanding reviewer in CVPR 2019

  • 02/2019, four papers are accepted to CVPR 2019

  • 01/2019, I serve as a guest editor of Pattern Recognition Special Issue on Deep Video Analysis [call for paper]

  • 11/2018, I receive an honer for CSIG excellent doctoral dissertation (中国图象图形学学会优博)

  • 10/2018, I will join Shanghai Jiao Tong University as a tenure-track assistant professor in January, 2019